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Stage Left Theatre Troupe

Auditions: Snippets- One act plays, musical numbers and excerpts.

Fri, 24 Jan 2020
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Audition for:

Comdey. "Groan Ups" -  from the award winning team at Mischief Theatre(that brought you "The Play That Goes Wrong")  - a group of "6 year olds" tell what they and, unfortunately, what their Mum's and Dad's got up to on the weekend! (director Stan Wilson). No under 15.

Comedy. "The Wedding Story" - a story teller attempts to tell a perfect fairy tale romance but is interrupted by a bride and groom, who try to get the "real" story of weddings told (director Caitlyn Dix).

Dance. "The Schuyler Sisters" - from hit musical "Hamilton" (director Indah Winasis)

Song. "Bohemian Rhapsody" - theatrical-ised big musical number (director Jade Prosser)

Song. "She used to be Mine" - from hit musical "Waitress" (director Georgia Wilson)

Monologue. "The Beyonce-logues" - (director Shayna Moses-Taurima)

Duologue. "When Love Arrives" - (director Shayna Moses-Taurima)

Comedy sketch: "4 Candles" a Two Ronnies classic! 


Stage Left Theatre Troupe
61B Burt St, Boulder WA 6432, Australia

61b Burt Street, Boulder, Western Australia, 6432, Australia

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